НАЧАЛА Вначале была Тьма. И Сущность была Тьмой...


Вначале была Тьма.
И Сущность была Тьмой и Тьма была Сущностью.
Над и под, внутри и снаружи, везде и всюду было все и небыло ничего. Мир был мал и мир был велик.
И пришли Те, кем стала Тьма. И в руках Их были звезды и камни, живое и мертвое, и наполнили Они мир.
И пришел Он и пришла Она. И Они были прекрасны. И крылья Их покрыли свет и во Тьме Они любили и родился мир наяву.
Затрепетал огонь и вошел в сердца Их и зазвучало Слово. И стало Слово Делом. И Слово согрело Ее и согрело Его, сожгло пустошь и создало Их. И водой очистило Их, Его и Ее очистило, смыло пыль и утолило жажду.
И Сущность наполнилась Словом Их, Его и Ее Словом наполнилась Сущность, и стали Они всем, и полетели на крыльях своих во все пределы, а пределы положены были Сущностью.
И стал мир Их во красе своей, под Тьмою мир стал освещаемый огнем сердец Их, огнем сердец Ее и Его жив мир стал.
И были Они из воды и камня, и из огня, и Слово Их творило мир.
И звезды в руках, и Ариали над крыльями, и простор для полета, и дух Их повсюду хвалу и славу слышал от Сущности, и множество Их стало от двоих - Ее и Его.
И под всевечной Тьмой Сущность обрела себя, и назвала себя, и стала собой, и дала себе имя.
И имя Сущности было - ТаИ-На-Лоанеа-Лоэа - и глаза Ее были открыты. И звали Ее также - Роалти-Лари.
И просто все сказано было, и стало как было, но Он и Она знали, что это не так. И спросили Они у Сущности: "Так ли это? Есть ли предел и все ли Слову подвластно?". А Сущность молчала в ответ. И Глаз Ее посмотрел на Них, на Ее и Его посмотрел в тишине.
А дух Их и Слово Их, и крылья Их путь искали, искали дорогу из вечных просторов, ведущую вне. И Тьма Их ждала, за пределом, где Сущности нет, и Глаз ТаИ-На-Лоанеа-Лоэа вослед Им смотрел.
Там видел Он верный конец, и начало другого, и вечер миров, Слову только подвластных; и крылья у Сущности пали. И закрылся Глаз Ее. И Сущность в последний раз Слово сказала, сказала Им слово, и часть от Ее и Его отделилась.
И стал человек.
И над ним стала Тьма, а под ним вышел Свет, и стал новый мир, и здесь их стало три - Свет, Тьма, и еще человек.
И Сущность стала миром, и стала Светом, и Тьмой, и мир стал новым, деленным и делящимся; и Они потерялись в развеянной мысли, в раздельной войне, и Их Слово ушло.
И наречия стали взамен Языка, говорившие же были бессильны. Ибо только тогда власть над сущим имели, когда брали руками, видели только глазами, и слышали только ушами, а крыльев они лишены были вовсе. И имя им - люди - они обрели все вокруг во владение, но не в силах владеть они были, и они воевали за каждую каплю всего.
Потерявшие же стали - Оль Атаиль, и еще - Атаиль Им. И не было Их долгих бесчетно бесчисленно циклов.
И стало вот - мира три.
Погибший - он мир Атаиль, и Полученный - мир человека, и Грядущий - от будущей сущности Атаиль.
И Мы ждем. Мы пришли отобрать, и вернуть, и срастить, и опять обрести Свое право на прошлое Слово и Силу. Мы ждем. Мы живем среди вас, омошь...

In the beginning there was darkness.
And the Essence was Darkness and the Darkness was Essence.
Above and below, inside and out, everywhere and everywhere there was everything and nothing happened. The world was small and the world was great.
And Those Who became Darkness came. And in their hands were stars and stones, living and dead, and they filled the world.
And He came and She came. And They were beautiful. And their wings were covered with light, and in darkness they loved and the world was born in reality.
Fire fluttered and entered into Their hearts and the Word sounded. And the Word became the Work. And the Word warmed Her and warmed Him, burned the wasteland and created Them. And He cleansed Them with water, He and Her cleansed, washed off the dust and quenched thirst.
And the Essence was filled with Their Word, His and Her Word was filled with the Essence, and They became everything, and flew on their wings to all limits, and the limits were laid by the Essence.
And Their world became in its beauty, under the Darkness the world became illuminated by the fire of Their hearts, the fire of Her and His hearts the world became alive.
And They were of water and stone, and of fire, and Their Word made the world.
And the stars in their hands, and Ariali over the wings, and the space for flight, and Their spirit everywhere, I heard praise and glory from the Essence, and there were many of them from two - Her and Him.
And under the eternal Darkness, the Essence found itself, and called itself, and became itself, and gave itself a name.
And the name of the Essence was - TaI-Na-Loanea-Loea - and Her eyes were open. And her name was also Roalti-Lari.
And simply everything was said, and it became as it was, but He and She knew that this was not so. And They asked the Essence: "Is this so? Is there a limit and is everything subject to the Word?" And the Essence was silent in response. And Her Eye looked at Them, at Her and He looked in silence.
And Their spirit, and Their Word, and their wings sought the way, searched for the way from the eternal open spaces, leading out. And the Darkness was waiting for Them, beyond where the Essence is not, and the Eye of TaI-Na-Loanea-Loaa followed him watched.
There He saw the sure end, and the beginning of the other, and the evening of the worlds, the Word only subject to; and the wings of the Essence fell. And Her Eye closed. And the Essence spoke the Word for the last time, said the Word to them, and a part from It and Him was separated.
And the man became.
And Darkness became above it, and Light came out beneath it, and a new world began, and here there were three of them - Light, Darkness, and another person.
And the Essence became the world, and became the Light, and Darkness, and the world became new, divided and dividing; and They were lost in a dispelled thought, in a separate war, and Their Word was gone.
And the dialects replaced the Tongue, those who spoke were powerless. For only then did they have power over everything when they took it with their hands, saw only with their eyes, and heard only with their ears, and they were completely deprived of wings. And their name - people - they gained all around in possession, but they were not able to possess, and they fought for every drop of everything.
The lost ones became Ol Atail, and also Atail Im. And there were Their long, countless cycles.
And it became - there are three worlds.
The deceased is the world of Atail, and the Received is the world of man, and the Coming is from the future essence of Atail.
And we are waiting. We came to take away, and return, and grow together, and again find Our right to the past Word and Power. We are waiting. We live among you, omosh ...
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