Мой прадедушка Огранович Борис Давидович, капитан , прошёл...

Мой прадедушка Огранович Борис Давидович, капитан , прошёл вcю войну!!!! Был удостоен Ордена Красной Звезды и ордена Отечественной войны. Он со своими солдатами дошел до Берлина и вернулся домой живым.
My Grandfather Ogranovich Boris, the captain, passed the whole war. Got Order of the Red Star. He with his soldiers reached Berlin and returned home alive.
My great-grandfather Ogranovich Boris Davidovich, captain, went through the whole war !!!! He was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order of the Patriotic War. He and his soldiers reached Berlin and returned home alive.
My grandfather Ogranovich Boris, the captain, passed the whole war. Got Order of the Red Star. He with his soldiers reached Berlin and returned home alive.
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