Друзья, позвольте похвастаться???? сегодня новый завоз табака, который никто не курил и даже не слышал о таком! То, чего мы всё так долго ждали! Легендарная компания Khalil Mammon прислала нам эксклюзивные вкусы первоклассного табака собственной линейки! Так же приехал табак #AMY (#amygold) с прекрасными вкусами! И еще пару приятных сюрпризов, но о них чуть позже????
#SobkoLounge мы изменим Ваше мнение о кальянных????
Friends, let me brag ???? today a new delivery of the tobacco that no one was smoking and had not even heard about this! What we have all been waiting for! The legendary company Khalil Mammon sent us an exclusive first-class tastes of tobacco own line! Just arrived tobacco #AMY (#amygold) with good taste! And a couple of pleasant surprises, but they later ????
#SobkoLounge We will change your opinion about the hookah????????????????
#SobkoLounge мы изменим Ваше мнение о кальянных????
Friends, let me brag ???? today a new delivery of the tobacco that no one was smoking and had not even heard about this! What we have all been waiting for! The legendary company Khalil Mammon sent us an exclusive first-class tastes of tobacco own line! Just arrived tobacco #AMY (#amygold) with good taste! And a couple of pleasant surprises, but they later ????
#SobkoLounge We will change your opinion about the hookah????????????????
Друзья, позвольте похвастаться???? сегодня новый завоз табака, который никто не курил и даже не слышал о таком! То, чего мы всё так долго ждали! Легендарная компания Khalil Mammon прислала нам эксклюзивные вкусы первоклассного табака собственной линейки! Так же приехал табак #AMY (#amygold) с прекрасными вкусами! И еще пару приятных сюрпризов, но о них чуть позже????
#SobkoLounge мы изменим Ваше мнение о кальянных????
Friends, let me brag ???? today a new delivery of the tobacco that no one was smoking and had not even heard about this! What we have all been waiting for! The legendary company Khalil Mammon sent us an exclusive first-class tastes of tobacco own line! Just arrived tobacco #AMY (#amygold) with good taste! And a couple of pleasant surprises, but they later ????
#SobkoLounge We will change your opinion about the hookah????????????????
#SobkoLounge мы изменим Ваше мнение о кальянных????
Friends, let me brag ???? today a new delivery of the tobacco that no one was smoking and had not even heard about this! What we have all been waiting for! The legendary company Khalil Mammon sent us an exclusive first-class tastes of tobacco own line! Just arrived tobacco #AMY (#amygold) with good taste! And a couple of pleasant surprises, but they later ????
#SobkoLounge We will change your opinion about the hookah????????????????

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