Друзья, всем спасибо кто заехал вчера в гости, было как всегда всё очень круто, дымно и позитивно ???? Сегодня продолжаем выходные! Обязательно бронируйте столики перед приездом ???? +7(963)320-24-44 ????
Friends, thank you to everyone who dropped in for a visit yesterday, it was as always everything is very cool, smoky and positively ???? today continue to the weekend! Be sure to reserve a table before arrival ???? +7 (963) 320-24-44 ???? @ Sobko Lounge
Friends, thank you to everyone who dropped in for a visit yesterday, it was as always everything is very cool, smoky and positively ???? today continue to the weekend! Be sure to reserve a table before arrival ???? +7 (963) 320-24-44 ???? @ Sobko Lounge
Друзья, всем спасибо кто заехал вчера в гости, было как всегда всё очень круто, дымно и позитивно ???? Сегодня продолжаем выходные! Обязательно бронируйте столики перед приездом ???? +7(963)320-24-44 ????
Friends, thank you to everyone who dropped in for a visit yesterday, it was as always everything is very cool, smoky and positively ???? today continue to the weekend! Be sure to reserve a table before arrival ???? +7 (963) 320-24-44 ???? @ Sobko Lounge
Friends, thank you to everyone who dropped in for a visit yesterday, it was as always everything is very cool, smoky and positively ???? today continue to the weekend! Be sure to reserve a table before arrival ???? +7 (963) 320-24-44 ???? @ Sobko Lounge

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