????????#PSUSLOV ep11 уже на канале! В этом выпуске...

????????#PSUSLOV ep11 уже на канале! В этом выпуске мы расскажем вам о местечке под названием Newcombs Ranch - мотоциклетная мекка Лос Анджелеса. Культовое место, появлялось в огромном количестве фильмов, реклам, и разных сюжетов. Покажем закулисье съемок нового эпизода Jay Leno Garage (c участием Магнуса Волкера), и покажем, чем авто и мото движуху. Пишите, как вам? Если понравилось - ставьте лайки, подписывайтесь! ) впереди еще много всего интересного!

????????#PSUSLOV ep11 is live! This is an episode about Newcombs Ranch - motorcycle spot in LA. We gonna show you some backstage of Jay Leno Garage episode (starring Magnus Walker) and some of the events were held at this place! Enjoy!— #psuslov #newcombsranch #psuslovlog #episode
???????? # PSUSLOV ep11 is already on the channel! In this issue, we will tell you about a place called Newcombs Ranch - the Los Angeles motorcycle mecca. A cult place, appeared in a huge number of films, advertisements, and various stories. We will show the backstage of the filming of the new episode of Jay Leno Garage (with the participation of Magnus Walker), and show what auto and motorcycle traffic is. Write to you? If you like it - like it, subscribe! ) there is still a lot of interesting things!

???????? # PSUSLOV ep11 is live! This is an episode about Newcombs Ranch - motorcycle spot in LA. We gonna show you some backstage of Jay Leno Garage episode (starring Magnus Walker) and some of the events were held at this place! Enjoy! - #psuslov #newcombsranch #psuslovlog #episode
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