????????Совершенно забыл выложить фотку с наших крутецких выходных!...

????????Совершенно забыл выложить фотку с наших крутецких выходных! Решили сделать #АнтиВлог день вместе с @n1ckyrush и @yakubova и выехали на природу без камер и всякой такой чепухи! Вышло нереально круто! Планировали поехать к океану и позагорать - в итоге поехали на озеро и сделали шикарный пикник на камушке!???? спасибо огромное нашему супер бро @n1ckyrush за то, что вытащил нас!!????????????????надо почаще делать такие вылазки)
????????forgot to upload this picture from our perfect #antiVlog weekend) me, @n1ckyrush and @yakubova decided to spend our day without cameras and all that stuff - so we did a great picnic next to the lake! Thanks to @n1ckyrush for getting us out!????????????????????????
#psuslov #n1ckyrush #antivlogday #пикникчокпродолжается @ Castaic Upper Lake
???????? I completely forgot to post a photo from our Krutetsk weekend! We decided to make #AntiVlog a day with @ n1ckyrush and @yakubova and went out into the country without cameras and all that nonsense! It turned out unrealistically cool! We planned to go to the ocean and sunbathe - in the end we went to the lake and made a gorgeous picnic on a pebble! ???? Thank you very much to our super bro @ n1ckyrush for pulling us out !! ???????????????? we need to do such sorties more often)
???????? forgot to upload this picture from our perfect #antiVlog weekend) me, @ n1ckyrush and @yakubova decided to spend our day without cameras and all that stuff - so we did a great picnic next to the lake! Thanks to @ n1ckyrush for getting us out! ?????????????????????????
#psuslov # n1ckyrush #antivlogday # picnic continues to @ Castaic Upper Lake
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