Мчим в Сиэттл и Портленд!???????? #Repost @n1ckyrush (@get_repost)...

Мчим в Сиэттл и Портленд!????????

#Repost @n1ckyrush (@get_repost)
Друзья! Бригада блогеров в лице Кольки (@n1ckyrush ) и Пашки (@psuslov) выдвигается в города-герои Сиэтл и Портленд ????
Наш трип длится со среды по воскресенье, будем рады потусить, поснимать, поугарать, пообщаться в конце концов с местными подписчиками ????
Пишите в личку, хуниганы! ????
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Yo! Me and my YouTube bro @psuslov are going to visit Seattle and Oregon during the trip (wed-sun), so feel free to contact us if you want to meet up for shooting, hanging out or something else ???????????? @ Seattle, Washington
Rush to Seattle and Portland! ????????

#Repost @ n1ckyrush (@get_repost)
・ ・ ・
Friends! A team of bloggers represented by Kolka (@ n1ckyrush) and Pashka (@psuslov) is being promoted to the hero cities of Seattle and Portland ????
Our trip lasts from Wednesday to Sunday, we will be happy to hang out, shoot, go on fire, finally communicate with local subscribers ????
Write in PM, hunigans! ????
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Yo! Me and my YouTube bro @psuslov are going to visit Seattle and Oregon during the trip (wed-sun), so feel free to contact us if you want to meet up for shooting, hanging out or something else ??????? ????? @ Seattle, Washington
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