????????из какого вы города/страны?) Только сейчас понял, что...

????????из какого вы города/страны?) Только сейчас понял, что ни разу не спрашивал у вас, ребят, откуда вы) давайте перекличку сделаем, будем знать нашу с вами географию???? погнали!) фотку мы замутили вместе с @fedosov13 - решили поиграть со светом и вспышками)) вроде прикольно получилось)
????????hey guys! Just decided to ask which country/city you are from?) realized that I've never done it before, let's know each other???? this photo was done by me and @fedosov13 - great way to play with the lighting )
#psuslov #psuslovlog #p71 #пипатруль #вайссити #vicecity #псуслов #писуслов #
@ Burbank, California
???????? from which city / country are you from?) Just now I realized that I never asked you guys where you are from) let's do the roll call, we will know our geography with you ???? drove it!) we muddied the photo with @ fedosov13 - we decided to play with light and flashes)) it seemed to be fun)
???????? hey guys! Just decided to ask which country / city you are from?) Realized that I've never done it before, let's know each other ???? this photo was done by me and @ fedosov13 - great way to play with the lighting)
#psuslov #psuslovlog # p71 # pipatrull #weissity #vicecity # psuslov # pislov #
 @ Burbank, California
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