????????совершенно замотался и забыл, что я ещё был на semashow в вегасе пару недель назад ???? только сейчас дошли руки до фоток, вроде даже успел что-то поснимать) кстати, стрим с Семы уже тоже как пару недель лежит на канале, если интересно посмотреть про #hoonicornv2 kblock43 - бегом туда! Ну и постараюсь сделать полный отчёт тоже) фотки в скором времени как всегда, в группе в ВК!
????????completely forgot that I was on semashow couple of weeks ago ???? finally got my hands on some pics, here is one of my favorite builds there - #hoonicornv2 kblock43 ????????????????????????such an awesome piece of art!????????????????????
#psuslov #sema #semashow #hoonigan #hoonicornv2 #gymkhana #climbkhana #climbkhanapikespeak
????????completely forgot that I was on semashow couple of weeks ago ???? finally got my hands on some pics, here is one of my favorite builds there - #hoonicornv2 kblock43 ????????????????????????such an awesome piece of art!????????????????????
#psuslov #sema #semashow #hoonigan #hoonicornv2 #gymkhana #climbkhana #climbkhanapikespeak
???????? completely wound up and forgot that I was still at semashow in Vegas a couple of weeks ago ???? just now we got our hands on the pictures, it seems I even managed to take something off) by the way, the stream from Sema has also been lying on the channel for a couple of weeks, if it’s interesting to see about # hoonicornv2 kblock43 - run there! Well, I’ll try to make a full report too) photos soon as always, in a group in VK!
???????? completely forgot that I was on semashow couple of weeks ago ???? finally got my hands on some pics, here is one of my favorite builds there - # hoonicornv2 kblock43 ???????????????????????? such an awesome piece of art ! ??????????????????????
#psuslov #sema #semashow #hoonigan # hoonicornv2 #gymkhana #climbkhana #climbkhanapikespeak
???????? completely forgot that I was on semashow couple of weeks ago ???? finally got my hands on some pics, here is one of my favorite builds there - # hoonicornv2 kblock43 ???????????????????????? such an awesome piece of art ! ??????????????????????
#psuslov #sema #semashow #hoonigan # hoonicornv2 #gymkhana #climbkhana #climbkhanapikespeak

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