Сел в самолет, просидел в нем час, потом сказали, что он сломался и никуда не полетит, потом сказали, что починили, и он полетит...в итоге едем на взлетную полосу с весьма недобрыми мыслями... @ Аэропорт Пулково (Новый Терминал) / Pulkovo Airport (LED) http://instagram.com/p/hq952aRWaz/
I got on a plane, sat for an hour in it, then they said that it had broken down and wouldn’t fly anywhere, then they said that it had been repaired and it would fly ... in the end we were going to the runway with very unkind thoughts ... @ Pulkovo Airport (New Terminal) / Pulkovo Airport (LED) http://instagram.com/p/hq952aRWaz/

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