Тикеты взяты. Давненько не был на гигах. Тем более пора Отцов посетить, ибо не видел их с 12го. В конце концов, Fat Of The Land сделал наше поколение таким, какое оно есть.)
"I got the poison. I got the remedy. I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy."
"I got the poison. I got the remedy. I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy."
Tickets are taken. Long time was not on gigs. Moreover, it is time to visit the Fathers, because I have not seen them since the 12th. In the end, Fat Of The Land made our generation what it is.)
"I got the poison. I got the remedy. I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy."
"I got the poison. I got the remedy. I got the pulsating rhytmical remedy."

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