Довольно забавно, что до велотрипа я думала, что по ходу движения буду делать кучу красивых фото и снимать видео, а на деле совершенно нет желания делать остановки для фото и тем более снимать видео ???? поэтому вот ловите те несколько фоток за вчерашний день ???? I was sure that during my trip I will be taken tons of pics and videos, but in reality I had only few from yesterday #bikeride #bikechallenge #biketrip #biketrail #bikejourney #cycling #biketouring #washingtonstate #велотрип #велодорожка #влесу @ Fort Borst Park
It's pretty funny that before the bike trip, I thought that in the course of moving I would make a bunch of beautiful photos and shoot videos, but in fact there is absolutely no desire to make stops for photos and even more so to shoot video ???? so here catch those few pictures for yesterday ???? I was sure that during my trip I will be taken tons of pics and videos, but in reality I had only few from yesterday #bikeride #bikechallenge #biketrip #biketrail #bikejourney #cycling #biketouring #washingtonstate #bicycle trip #bicycle path #wood @ Fort Borst park

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