Чем больше вы сосредоточены на своем непосредственном жизненном опыте, а не на повторяющихся комментариях разума, тем больше у вас возможностей направить свою жизнь в нужное русло. Яркого Нового года всем вам, дорогие друзья! Выбирайте сейчастье!
Обнимаем вас всем небом и всей прекрасной музыкой!
А сами поехали в Нарнию-Боржоми на волшебной «кукушке». Загадаем там записать альбом! Подарите нам его сотую часть на краудфандинг, пожалуйста! ???? #мечтысбываются
#Happy New Year, dearest #music lovers and dear #sky lovers! Choose to experience life, and give less power to the thoughts that comment it in one way or another if it’s not increasing your energy. You’ll be able to turn your wheels to the direction of your choice much easier then!
We send you much love and our magic new year wish will be to get our crowdfunding fulfill the opportunity of recording an album! ???? #letitbe
Обнимаем вас всем небом и всей прекрасной музыкой!
А сами поехали в Нарнию-Боржоми на волшебной «кукушке». Загадаем там записать альбом! Подарите нам его сотую часть на краудфандинг, пожалуйста! ???? #мечтысбываются
#Happy New Year, dearest #music lovers and dear #sky lovers! Choose to experience life, and give less power to the thoughts that comment it in one way or another if it’s not increasing your energy. You’ll be able to turn your wheels to the direction of your choice much easier then!
We send you much love and our magic new year wish will be to get our crowdfunding fulfill the opportunity of recording an album! ???? #letitbe
The more you focus on your immediate life experience, and not the recurring comments of the mind, the more opportunities you have to direct your life in the right direction. Bright New Year to all of you, dear friends! Choose Seychastye!
Hug you all heaven and all the beautiful music!
And they themselves went to Narnia-Borjomi on the magic “cuckoo”. Let's make a record there album! Give us a hundredth part of it for crowdfunding, please! ???? #Dreams Come True
#Happy New Year, dearest #music lovers and dear #sky lovers! Choose to experience life, and give less power to the thoughts that comment it in one way or another if it’s not increasing your energy. You’ll be able to turn your wheels to your direction much easier then!
We send you much love and our magic new year wish will be to get our crowdfunding fulfill the opportunity of recording an album! ???? #letitbe
Hug you all heaven and all the beautiful music!
And they themselves went to Narnia-Borjomi on the magic “cuckoo”. Let's make a record there album! Give us a hundredth part of it for crowdfunding, please! ???? #Dreams Come True
#Happy New Year, dearest #music lovers and dear #sky lovers! Choose to experience life, and give less power to the thoughts that comment it in one way or another if it’s not increasing your energy. You’ll be able to turn your wheels to your direction much easier then!
We send you much love and our magic new year wish will be to get our crowdfunding fulfill the opportunity of recording an album! ???? #letitbe

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