Сегодня ушел из жизни мой близкий друг и учитель, всецело преданный людям и природе, замечательный организатор, мудрый и тонкий политик, очень добрый и искренний человек – Рустам Абдуллаевич Сагитов. Грустно осознавать, что опять мы с ним о многом недоговорили, что-то отложили «на потом», которого уже не случится в мире материальном, но обязательно произойдет в мире духовном... И при этом я рад, что биологическая природа, омрачив его последние недели тяжелой и очень поздно распознанной болезнью, не дала ему времени на физические мучения, словно отдавая должное его служению верой и правдой людям и нашей планете. Спасибо за все, Рустам Абдуллаевич! (Наша последняя фотография вместе в Сочи на Форуме 100-летия заповедной системы России) / Today I lost my good friend and teacher, a man, who fully devoted himself to human beings and to the Nature, skilful organizer, wise and delicate politician, very kind and genuine friend - Dr. Rustam Sagitov. It is painful to recognize that again we haven’t finished our discussions, postponed issues “till another occasion” that will never happen in the physical world but will definitely do in the spiritual one... And I am happy that the Nature even bitten Rustam with the most severe illness hasn’t threatened him with pain for long as like paying tribute to his life-long service to people and our planet. Thank you for all, dear Rustam! (our last photo together in Sochi at 100-years of Russian protected areas system forum)
Today my close friend and teacher, totally devoted to people and nature, a wonderful organizer, a wise and subtle politician, a very kind and sincere person, Rustam Sagitov, passed away. It is sad to realize that again we had not talked about much, we put something aside “for later”, which will not happen in the material world, but it will definitely happen in the spiritual world ... And at the same time I am glad that biological nature, having overshadowed it the last weeks of a severe and very late recognized illness did not give him time for physical agony, as if paying tribute to his service with faith and truth to people and our planet. Thanks for everything, Rustam Abdullaevich! (Our last photo together in Sochi at the Forum of the 100th Anniversary of the Reserve System of Russia) / skilful organizer, wise and delicate politician, very kind and genuine friend - Dr. Rustam Sagitov. It is painful to recognize the nature of the world. It’s not a problem. Thank you for all, dear Rustam! (our last photo together in 100-years of Russian protected areas system forum)

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