
                      To my very White Woman who loves and understands stupid girls.

Somebody think how gelosy and envy flows in me
As rose and grows as strongest row of pills
I take to go to sleep
I take and then, and after I believe them ...
and how they watch me and smile into my face
 to put me down cuz they can't see what we can see
and I start to cry from pity and offence
and I've sank into the waters of our tears
and God is very very very angry ...now
Cuz you I have to understand that even Jesus ,
 who really knew the truth, was totaly disgraced and totaly surrended ,
And Very Very Very White Woman says , love yourself girl , just don't bother Cuz they don't see what you can see and they don't live what you can live
their gift's another, not your gift...:
But how but how how can it be
so stupid stupid world....
White Woman, please answer to me...as i am so confused
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