My Little Vicky, as you know, I believe...

My Little Vicky,

as you know, I believe the passage of time correlates with happiness. Sadness, stress and unhappiness make you older quicker, the time goes faster.
and the contrary, when you are happy, you stay young. when you smile and laugh, the time slows down or even freezes!
thank you for smiling and sharing it with me, for passing it to me. thanks for being my #vikoin! thanks for keeping my time frozen so we both can take all of it.
It's amazing that you are so different and make me different. I am very happy to watch you changing, while you are impressing me and appear to be totally unpredictable - I am glad to be a part of it.
stay amazingly beautiful and young! (well, you are always going to be 6 years behind..)
please do laugh and smile, be surprised and be surprising, be happy and don't let me grow!) and I'll take care about all the rest.

Happy Birthday, my sweet!

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