Pizza could be like that. There is this...

Pizza could be like that. There is this new vegetarian restaurant called Naked Food where you can try the delicious vegetarian dishes! In summer time guests are offered mostly raw and fresh dishes, in winter it will be stewed dishes.
Name: Naked Food / 裸食私廳
My ranking: 10/10
Service: 10/10
Average price: 400-500
Address: MRT Dongmen station, Xinsheng S. Rd., sec. 1, lane 160, 22-1 / 台北市中正區新生南路一段160巷22號之1
Check more at #dimi_food
#Taipei #vegetarian #rawfood #vegan #restaurant #whattoeatintaipei #wheretoeatintaipei #eatintaipei #hungryintaipei #restaurantintaipei #NakedFood
#台北市 #台北吃什麼 #台北餐廳 #吃在台北 #吃素 @ NakedFood 裸食私廚
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