Breakin' Revolution - decentralized theater piece for the...

Breakin' Revolution - decentralized theater piece for the Anniversary of the Great October Revolution.
Breakin' Revolution.

How many Revolutions of Headspin can you do?

If you were to choose a dance style suitable for a theater piece on The October Revolution, which one would it be? Answers may vary, but probably something coming from the people, from the streets.

In this performance 5 streets dancers from Russia with totally different approaches to their art united to depict thoughts on what happened 100 years ago. The piece has symbolically no director (Tsar already resigned) and each dancer was his/her own choreographer. The main points of team work were decided upon all together in hard-to-survive discussions (Soviets).

During revolutions nothing goes as planned and some parts are left to pure freestyle on purpose.

Breaking and Folk Dance, Stand-up Styles and Video Intermediates, Interactions between dancers and with the Audience - all - from Petrograd with Love and revolutionary spirit.

We will be happy to see you and your friends at the premiere on the 19th of October in Stockholm at Färgfabriken (Lövholmsbrinken 1
117 43 Stockholm). The performance starts at 18:45, but we recommend to come in advance to grab the best seats. Entrance free of charge. Link to the venue site in bio.

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