А теперь поговорим серьёзно ;) И на английском....

А теперь поговорим серьёзно ;) И на английском. [id14076853|David Macfadyen] из Far From Moscow о новом альбоме «Ласточка». А ещё про RSAC, АлоэВера и OQJAV.

A focus on sound and stanzas instead of cash would also, thinks Sasha Gagarin, help to foster an acceptance of opposing world-views. An imprecise, happily subjective art form would recognize itself as such and make no claims to dogmatic truth. "When you're greatly opposed to something [like a regime], to the point where your blood starts to boil, you end up opposing [i.e., damaging] yourself, too. That kind of inflexibility in people really gets me down. All of our [social] problems and misfortunes stem from that––from the inability to understand one another. It's also an inability to put yourself in another's position."

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