Новая работа от Чин Ынсук. Апологетика строится на...

Новая работа от Чин Ынсук. Апологетика строится на сопоставлении рода человеческого со Звездной Пылью. Мы все "дети" Большого Взрыва. Поэтому все национальные, этнические и религиозные различия бессмысленны.
Тема Пыли чрезвычайно популярна. Как правило, в России она проявляется гораздо раньше, чем "западные аналоги". Достаточно вспомнить "пыль на ветру" петербургского композитора Насти Хрущевой... Пыль от Чин - целлулоидна, толерантна и не завязана на отличия. Она заранее изначально сакральна.))

The work refers to the idea that 'humans are stardust'. It is based on the scientific fact that almost everything in the universe and on earth was formed in cosmic explosions billions of years ago, including our bodies which are made of remnants of stars. In astronomer Carl Sagan's words: "We are star stuff pondering the stars, star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. The cosmos is within us, we are a way for the cosmos to know itself." Seen from such a 'cosmic perspective', all national, ethnic or religious chauvinisms are foolish and ludicrous indeed.

"Accordingly, the poems I’ve set to music – mainly by various 20th century poets including Fernando Pessoa, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Octavio Paz, Eeva-Liisa Manner, Vicente Huidobro and Inger Christensen – are about cosmic and other natural phenomena. However, while both poetry and cosmology were important associations in the composition process, my approach is neither 'scientistic' nor speculative in an esoteric sense. Stylistically, I attempted to write a music that is not rooted in any particular time or place."
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