Koechlin - Hommage à Fauré (1922) Charles Koechlin...

Koechlin - Hommage à Fauré (1922)
Charles Koechlin [ʃaʁl keklɛ̃] (1867 - 1959) was a French composer, teacher, and writer on music. He was a passionate enthusiast for such diverse things as medieval music, The Jungle Book of Rudyard Kipling, J. S. Bach. Once he said: "The artist needs an ivory tower, not as an escape from the world, but as a place where he can view the world and be himself. This tower is for the artist like a lighthouse shining out across the world."
Charles Koechlin was highly eclectic in inspiration (nature, the mysterious Orient, French folksong, Bachian chorale, Hellenistic culture, astronomy, Hollywood movies, etc.) and musical technique, but the expressive core of his language remained distinct from his contemporaries. At the start of his career, he concentrated on songs with orchestral accompaniment, few of which were performed as intended during his lifetime. He was master of an individual impressionism deriving less from Debussy than from Berlioz and Fauré. Thereafter he concentrated on symphonic poems, chamber and instrumental works.
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