Alexei Stanchinsky - Etude in G minor Alexei...

Alexei Stanchinsky - Etude in G minor
Alexei Stanchinsky (1888 -1914) was born in Obolsunovo, Vladimir, Russia. He was a student at Moscow University. At the age of 19, Stanchinsky entered the Moscow Conservatory to continue his musical studies with Taneyev and Igumnov to assist his musical growth. He is usually regarded as an eccentric composer whose premature death is shrouded in mystery.
Stanchinsky assimilated elements of Scriabin, Medtner, Mussorgsky, and folk music in the creation of his own style, that cradles the harmonic language of high Romanticism, especially Scriabin, and his own fascination with polyphonic textures. He was called "Diatonic Webern" for his propensity for diatonic saturation and employment of "polyphony not as a contrasting episode but rather as the essential and organic tool of his music."
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