19.01.2018 Richard Buhlig plays J.S. Bach Chromatic Fantasy...

Richard Buhlig plays J.S. Bach Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, BWV 903
Richard Moritz Buhlig (1880 - 1952) was an American pianist. As a pianist, Buhlig was highly regarded for his performances of Bach, late Beethoven, and Brahms. However, much of his repertoire was contemporary or near-contemporary music. He gave the American premiere of Arnold Schoenberg's Op. 11 and performed pieces by other European modernists such as Ferruccio Busoni, Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, and Claude Debussy. In early 1930s Buhlig tutored John Cage: it was he who advised Cage to study with Schoenberg.
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