23.01.2018 Jacob van Domselaer, Proeven van Stijlkunst (Experiments...

Jacob van Domselaer, Proeven van Stijlkunst (Experiments in Artistic Style) (1913-1917)
Jakob van Domselaer (1890-1960) was a Dutch composer. In 1912, he traveled to Paris where he met the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian (1872–1944), eventually becoming a part of Mondrian's artistic circle known as "De Stijl." Domselaer's piano suite Proeven van Stijlkunst (Experiments in Artistic Style) represented the first attempt to apply principles of Neo-Plasticism to music, and Mondrian asserted that pieces were created under the influence of the plus-minus painting he created around the year 1915. This austere, mathematically based music represents an important but as yet **unacknowledged precedent to minimalism** and has been little performed or recorded. Domselaer's students have included the Dutch composers Nico Schuyt and Simeon ten Holt.
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