25.01.2019 Eliodoro Sollima, Chiaroscuri I Eliodoro Sollima (1926-2000)...

Eliodoro Sollima, Chiaroscuri I
Eliodoro Sollima (1926-2000) was a pianist, teacher, and author of symphonic, chamber, and stage music. As a pianist, at the suggestion of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, he participated in the first performance in Italy of the Kammerkonzert of Alban Berg at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan. He has played in many cities in Europe and America, as well as for Deutsche Rundfunk, Radio Schweiz, and RAI.
For many years Professor of Composition and Illuminated Director of the V. Bellini Conservatory of Palermo, he baptized almost all the new generation of Sicilian composers.
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