31.01.2019 Frans Geysen. 2 bicinia* (бициния - вокальный...

Frans Geysen. 2 bicinia* (бициния - вокальный жанр эпохи Ренессанса, позже проникший в сферу инструментальной музыки. Для него характерен обмен тематическим материалом между двумя голосами. см. bicinium https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicinium)
Frans Geysen (1936) is a Belgian composer. In 1962 he started using serial techniques, but in 1967 turned against the rhythmic aperiodicity and discontinuity characteristic of the technique and began to use repetitive rhythmic structures similar to American minimalists such as Glass, Reich, Riley, and Young. He developed these rhythmic ideas independently and retained the constructivism of serial thinking. He also continued to use twelve-tone rows, utilizing rows lacking thirds, perfect fifths, and semitones, in order to avoid suggestions of tonality and mutual attraction between pitches.
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