10.02.2019 Richard Toop (1945- 2017) The Lecture "10...

Richard Toop (1945- 2017) The Lecture "10 Years In - A European Perspective on 21st Century Composing" (2010) (in English, without subtitles)
Richard Toop born in Chichester, England, studied at Hull University in the UK with Denis Arnold and Graham Sadler before working as Stockhausen’s Teaching Assistant at the Cologne Staatliche Musikhochschule in 1973. Toop published a book on the life and work of Hungarian composer György Ligeti as part of Phaidon’s 20th Century Composers series as well as a book of lectures on Stockhausen, Six Lectures from the Stockhausen Courses Kürten 2002. He translated Michael Kurtz’s Stockhausen biography and published research in journals such as Perspectives of New Music, The Musical Quarterly, Interface, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik.
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