26.03.2019 Ennemond Gaultier, Sarabande de Mesangeau in D...

Ennemond Gaultier, Sarabande de Mesangeau in D minor
Ennemond Gaultier (1575 - 1651) was one of the earliest French lutenists and should not be confused with his cousin Denis Gaultier (1597 or 1602/3 – 1672). In youth, the "old" Gaultier served the House of Montmorency, but in 1600 he left to join the court of Henry IV of France and his new Queen, the former Marie de Medici. Gaultier remained in service after Henry IV was assassinated in 1610 and elected to retire from her court only after Medici was exiled in 1630; he returned to Dauphiné and lived more than two decades there, then died in Nèves.
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