06.05.2019 Jacob Reys. Phantasia Jacob Reys (1545 -...

Jacob Reys. Phantasia
Jacob Reys (1545 - 1605) was Polish lutenist was predominantly active in Paris. He was notable for his service as court lutenist to Henry III of Poland and France. Initially, he served as one of the court musicians at Kraków, and after Henry III fled Poland, Reys joined him in Paris in 1574. "He invented a new method for playing the lute nothing is known about the process. One of the leading lutenists of his time, if not the leading lutenist, Reys' compositions reflect the advent of the major-minor key-related harmonies. Characteristics of his works include dissonances and suspensions at important cadences, sectional structures for galliards, key modulations to related majors and minors and thematic variations in his Fantasias. One of two types of courantes was named for Reys. (Allmusic)

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