07.05.2019 Maria Savostyanova. Lecture "Great Depression and Modernism"...

Maria Savostyanova. Lecture "Great Depression and Modernism" (In Russian. You can turn on the English captions in the settings)
Maria Savostyanova reveals the stories of two important Italian monuments of the 1930s - "Villa Necchi Campliglio" and "Villa Girasole" and traces the establishment of Scandinavian design, using as her examples selected prewar projects of Poul Henningsen, Gunnar Asplund, Kaare Klint, and Bruno Mathsson. She also presents the story of the creation of London Underground Tube map, some signature interiors of the Soviet 1930s, the cult of restyling, and the first cases of introducing the strategy of built-in obsolescence in the United States.
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