10.05.2019 Thomas Greaves. "What Is Beauty But a...

Thomas Greaves. "What Is Beauty But a Breath."
Thomas Greaves (fl. 1604) was an English composer and lutenist. He was lutenist to Sir Henry Pierrepont (1546 - 1615, Nottinghamshire). He published in 1604 a volume of madrigals and lute songs, Songes of Sundrie kindes: First Aires to be sung to the Lute, and Base Violl. Next, Songs of Sadnesse, for the Viols and Voyce. Lastly, Madrigalles, for Five Voyces. Three of madrigals, 'Come away, sweet love,' 'Lady, the melting crystal of thine eyes,' and 'Sweet nymphs,' were republished in the nineteenth century.
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