12.05.2019 Thomas Crecquillon. "L'ardant Amour et Response: Taire...

Thomas Crecquillon. "L'ardant Amour et Response: Taire et souffir"
Thomas Crecquillon (1505-1557) was one of the leading northern European composers in the generation after Josquin Desprez (Franco-Flemish school of the Renaissance). He was highly popular for his chansons (but his religious music is considered his most significant body of work). "Very little is known about his life. An official document of the court of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V dated 1540 lists him as 'm-re de la chappelle,' and his music's title pages also recite that he was 'maître de chapelle.' This basically means that he was responsible for selecting, performing, and composing music for religious services on behalf of the emperor." (AllMusic)
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