31.05.2019 Francesco Spinacino. Recercare de tutti li toni....

Francesco Spinacino. Recercare de tutti li toni.
Francesco Spinacino (fl. 1507), a famous lutenist and composer of the Italian Renaissance, was born in the town of Fossombrone, probably around the year 1485. In the preface to the first of two collections of lute music published by Spinacino in Venice in 1507, the poet Cristoforo Gigante described him as "a true heir of Orpheus."
His two publications, Intabulatura de lauto libro primo, and Intabulatura de lauto libro secondo, were the earliest printed volumes dedicated to the instrument. Both include a rudimentary introduction to lute tablature notation in both Latin and Italian, which proved so popular with readers that they were reprinted in all Petrucci's subsequent publications for lute until 1546. Spinacino's collections drew upon music and songs from as far afield as the British Isles. The "ricercares" in particular are among the most elaborate of their period. Often designed as preludes to other pieces, they are free in form and often of virtuoso complexity. (AllMusic)
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