01.06.2019 Guillaume de Vaumesnil. Fantasie Guillaume de Vaumesnil...

Guillaume de Vaumesnil. Fantasie
Guillaume de Vaumesnil (15 ?? - 15 ??) served as a valet de chambre at the court of Henry II and was quoted in 1559 by the poet Jodelle among the "princes of musicians". He remained a valet also under Charles IX and Henry III. In the late 1570s and early 1580s, he also simultaneously held various positions at the court of François d'Alençon (as a stable squire, counselor, and butler) and with Catherine de Medici. He was celebrated as the greatest lutenist of his time. Two of his pieces survive in "Bésard's Thesaurus harmonicus" (1603). He was buried in the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés around 1595.
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