07.06.2019 Nicolas Vallet. Courante sur la Gailliarde De...

Nicolas Vallet. Courante sur la Gailliarde De Bocquet*
Nicolas Vallet (c. 1583 - c. 1642) was a Dutch lutenist and composer of French birth. Vallet was a Huguenot and born at Corbeny, Aisne, but fled from France to the Netherlands for religious reasons. In Amsterdam, he worked as a self-supporting musician, lute-teacher, and as the owner of a dance school. His work "Le Secret des Muses" (1615-1616) contains compositions and instruction for the 10-string Renaissance lute. It was among the last compositions to appear for this instrument before it was supplanted by the Baroque lute.
*) composer Charles Bocquet (fl. 1594)
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