Walter Arnold Kaufmann. Sartre & the Crisis of...

Walter Arnold Kaufmann. Sartre & the Crisis of Morality (1960)
Dr. Walter Kaufmann's(1921-1980) third and final lecture in 1960 series on existentialism. Kaufmann, in his examination of Sartre, suggested that the breakdown of morals, institutionalized anonymity, permissiveness, and the population explosion have brought us to a crucial point of decision. This was foreseen by the existentialists who did not share the vast optimism about scientific progress.
Walter Kaufmann was a German-American philosopher, translator, and poet. A prolific author, he wrote extensively on a broad range of subjects, such as authenticity and death, moral philosophy and existentialism, theism and atheism, Christianity and Judaism, as well as philosophy and literature. He served more than 30 years as a professor at Princeton University
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