02.07.2019 Pierre Phalese. Praeludium (from "Des chansons reduictz...

Pierre Phalese. Praeludium (from "Des chansons reduictz en tabulature de lut a deux, trois et quatre parties", 1547)
Petrus Phalesius (the Elder) (c. 1510 - c. 1575) was born in Leuven (Belgium) about 1510. His original name was Peeter (or Pieter) van der Phaliesen. Phalesius started a bookseller business in 1545 and soon set up a publishing house. After obtaining a printing patent in 1552, he established himself as an independent printer in Leuven. Phalesius died in Leuven in 1575. His sons Cornelis (Cornelius) and Petrus Phalesius the Younger continued the family firm.
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