05.07.2019 George Tsontakis (1951). Piano Quartet No. 3...

George Tsontakis (1951). Piano Quartet No. 3 "Coraggio" (II. Legato - Liquid)
"Since the early 1990s, George Tsontakis has had a career path that most American composers would envy. By then, he had already been signed by a major publisher and his music was not only being performed by soloists, ensembles, and orchestras all over the country, most of it was also recorded. Then he received a significant music award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1995 and a Guggenheim Fellowship the following year. The following decade, he was awarded the Charles Ives Living and the Grawemeyer Award in Music Composition, which is among the two largest cash prizes available to composers." (newmusicusa.org)
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