Ivan Krastev (1965). Europe in the 21st Century...

Ivan Krastev (1965). Europe in the 21st Century (2019)
48:19 "...We start with the problem of Resentment and Imitation, but also we said there are different forms of Imitation. Eastern Europe imitated toward the idea to convert, basically to transform itself. It was genuine, it was strategic, to a great extent, it was successful, but it produced resentment (we tried to tell why). Russia imitated for a while, you know, to survive, you're going to dub institutions and so on because, in 1990, it was in a very weak position. And then basically Russia said: we're imitating the wrong thing, it's not the institutions, we're going to imitate the American foreign policy. And this is very important because it's like kind of Reverse engineering. And in Reverse engineering, quite often, you imitate something that Not exists..."
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