11.07.2019 Alonso Mudarra. Fantasia X (from 'Tres libros...

Alonso Mudarra. Fantasia X (from 'Tres libros de musica en cifras para vihuela', 1546)
Alonso Mudarra (c.1510 - 1580) was a Spanish composer of the Renaissance, and also played the vihuela. He went to Italy in 1529 with Charles V. Then he returned to Spain and became a priest, receiving the post of canon at the cathedral in Seville in 1546, where he remained for the rest of his life. In 1546, he published the collection of pieces "Tres libros de musica en cifras para vihuela" ("Three books of music in numbers for vihuela"). These three books contain the first music ever published for the four-course guitar, which was then a relatively new instrument. The second book is noteworthy in that it contains eight multi-movement works.
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