Etienne Moulinié. Enfin la beauté que j'adore (from...

Etienne Moulinié. Enfin la beauté que j'adore (from 'Premier livre d'Airs de cours avec tablatures de luth d'Etienne Moulinié', 1624.)
Etienne Moulinié (1599 - 1676) was a French Baroque composer. He was born in Languedoc. He first sang with the Narbonne Cathedral and went to Paris in 1624. Through the influence of his brother Antoine, Moulinié gained an appointment at court, as the director of music for Gaston d'Orléans, the younger brother of the king. Moulinié wrote in the genres of airs de cour and airs à boire. His airs de cour are strophic and syllabic, but generally freer than others in the genre. His songs and their texts became very well-traveled when were translated into German and Dutch.
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