23.07.2019 Jean Materlat. Recercate Concertate. Jean Matelart (Matelart,...

Jean Materlat. Recercate Concertate.
Jean Matelart (Matelart, Matellarto, Matelarte, and other variations; sometimes Ioanne or Johannes) (before 1538 – 1607) was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance, active in Flanders, Bonn, and Rome.
He served as choirmaster in Bonn. By 1558 he had probably come to Italy, staying until 1562, and in 1565 he took the post of maestro di cappella at the church of San Lorenzo in Damaso, where he remained for over 40 years. A note in a publication of 1596 indicates that he still held the post of choirmaster there, and was living in Rome. Some of his music has survived, and it's unusual for a Roman composer, much of it is instrumental. He published a book of music for lute, which included not only 15 fantasias by himself, in tablature, but arrangements of pieces by Cristóbal de Morales, and Francesco Canova da Milano. Matelart also wrote sacred vocal music, including a series of responsories for four and five voices (1596).
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