08.11.2019 Grigory Yavlinsky (1952). 30 years after the...

Grigory Yavlinsky (1952). 30 years after the fall of Communism. New Era Outlines.
".... to protect democracy and avoid authorization in the United States, they propose a transition to direct presidential elections, either the abolition of the electoral college or through an interstate agreement that would oblige electors to support the candidate who received the majority
- transnational movement of capital restrictions, and the de-monopolization of the American and European economies;
- antitrust legislation to fragment technological monopolies, including Facebook, Amazon, Google (Senator Elizabeth Warren);
- the publicly available government health insurance programs, student loans, mortgages, and so on, as well as the redistribution of income of technological innovation;
- more progressive taxation and higher taxes on excess profits in the United States to the level of the 1950-1970s;
- a "geographical rent," that is, i.e. a tax on the benefits of living in financial centers (economist Paul Collier)..."
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