Intolleranza 1960, an one-act opera in two parts...

Intolleranza 1960, an one-act opera in two parts by Luigi Nono, and is dedicated to Arnold Schoenberg. The Italian libretto was written by Nono from an idea by Angelo Maria Ripellino who used the documentary texts and poetry by Julius Fucik, "Reportage unter dem Strang geschrieben" by Henri Alleg, "La question (The Torture)" by Jean-Paul Sartre's introduction to Alleg's poem, Paul Eluard's poem "La liberté and "Our march" by Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Bertolt Brecht's "To Posterity".
The plot concerns a migrant travels from Southern Italy looking for a job. He encounters protests, arrests, and torture. He ends up in a concentration camp, where he experiences the gamut of human emotions. Eventually, he reaches a river and realizes that the home is everywhere.
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