Мой англоязычный литературный опыт. Написано под впечатлением от...

Мой англоязычный литературный опыт. Написано под впечатлением от песни – участницы Евровидения Aisha - «What For». Compliments, comments and criticism are welcome)


I have so many-many why
Why do sometimes I used to cry?
Why do my mood sometimes too bad?
And ball of problems is so fat?

I have so many things to ask
Why do sometimes I sink in the tasks?
Why have no time to cope with them?
(Sometimes it may cause a problem).

I always frankly wonder why
We have to argue, burst and lie?
Why are we doing it so long?
Why words in argues are so strong?

Why do sometimes we laugh through tears?
Why cannot cope with our fears?
Why we shut up instead of speak?
Or when need shut – words leak and leak?

Why do we say good bye to those
Whom we would never want to lose?
Why have to go just we are said?
(Having no choice to do – so bad…)

Whom we consider to be friends?
And how soon it comes to end?
Why do sometimes we love or don’t?
Why want to stay in touch or won’t?

Why do cheer chat sometimes call tears
Why sometimes smile-not smile, but leer
Why our moor can change so quick?
And why we sag instead “being stick’?

But do not think – I don’t complain
On questions, which I still obtain,
Desire to know always contain
Ability to ask again… again… again…
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Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Елена Макарова

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