My dear friends! I ask you for the...

My dear friends!

I ask you for the attention to this little  20 month old girl Alena Ivanova  from Sverdlovsk (Russia). In early  2015  Alena  was diagnosed with leukemia. Last year,  after several chemotherapies  Alena went into the  remission and was ready for  her one and single chance to become healthy -  to have Bone  Narrow Transplantation (BNT)  in Russia. But this plan  was ruined by the  bureaucracy of local clinic. Her quota for the BNT was given to another person….   Almost one year child with dangerous sickness haven`t had proper medical support…
Alena`s current health situation is very dangerous and  without  urgent proper  treatment she CAN DIE!!!!  Several clinics abroad have denied family`s request to accept Alena as a patient. Only  Munich children hospital is giving some hope that Alena can be safe and healthy. The total cost of the medical treatment in this hospital is  289 900 EUR. And with the deposit of 1/3 clinic will take Alena for the diagnostic and BNT.  Alena is raising by single Mom, who doesn`t have this huge amount and doesn`t have time to wait.. That`s why I ask you, all my friend, please let`s save this little life together! Let`s give the chance to be healthy and happy to Alena and her Mom!
The easy way to transfer money from the abroad without any commission for you  is PayPal and Gofundme (find the active link on the top of my page ????????????????????????, please)

Any donations will be very appreciated!
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