Here's one of our new teachers reading his...

Here's one of our new teachers reading his newly made lesson plan. Oh no, look! What's that on the other side?
На самом деле, Том написал весь план, красиво и аккуратно, на случайной бумажке, а потом перевернул и удивился ;)) хорошо, что в учительской, а не перед студентами ;)
Here's one of our new teachers reading his newly made lesson plan. Oh no, look! What's that on the other side?
In fact, Tom wrote the whole plan, nicely and carefully, on a random piece of paper, and then turned it over and was surprised;)) well, that in the staff room, and not in front of the students;)
У записи 9 лайков,
0 репостов.
Эту запись оставил(а) на своей стене Ирина Апушкина

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