А вот что на самом деле написано в...

А вот что на самом деле написано в статье:
While Anderson Silva landed a solid knee on a grounded Chael Sonnen, referee Yves Lavigne knew a knee to the face of a grounded opponent was prohibited, and ruled that that is not in fact what took place; thus there is no grounds for appeal.

т.е. удар был легальным и в этом отношении нет причин для обжалования.

Kizer said that he spoke to both Sonnen and Silva about Silva's shoulder strike at Friday's weigh-ins following Saturday night's title fight. Kizer, who stated he was "very unhappy with Anderson" due to his actions, said that Sonnen told him and NSAC chairman Skip Avansino following the fight that he didn't believe Silva should be fined for the strike, and, after talking to Silva, Kizer said the commission took Sonnen's recommendation to heart and decided against fining Silva.

т.е. претензии к удару плечом на вешалке, а не к удару коленом

И только потом про вазелин:
As for Silva rubbing Vaseline off his face and onto his body before the fight, Kizer said he noticed Silva has done that in the past but admitted this time it was "more blatant that we expected." He said UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta pointed it out to him before the fight and referee Yves Lavigne was quick to wipe off the middleweight champion before round one.

что, переводится как "вазелин был, но его смыли ещё ДО первого раунда"

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