нет, вы послушайте, её же прям создали, чтобы...

нет, вы послушайте, её же прям создали, чтобы с упоением затягиваться соплями и рыдаааать. спасибо за день.

When I looked into your eyes life lost its meaning.
There is no such thing as failure, let my words just be your savior.
I’m still looking for the answer.
I hold my heart until the end...

Accept the person who I am will never give up this fight.
We always wake up from the deepest of our dreams just a little late.
Can you relate?
I see your backs have turned away.

Like breathing without the air...
How am I going to know that you’re there when you’re not?
Oh why can’t love stay with me.
And the loveless walk to the edge of the world with hope to be set free...
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