Well... Sometimes the breakfast is just a breakfast....

Well... Sometimes the breakfast is just a breakfast. But certainly not in this case. When it's served in your gorgeous Venetian room with its own cosy and stylish atmosphere and the breakfast is made by a charming lady who has kinda of that warm eyes witch spread true hospitality all over :) And you have that kind of a cute little fights with your hubby like "who's gonna eat everything!". Lol???? Just wanted to say thank you to one of the best places we ever stayed in. I have a lot and even more of that to say about Casa Della Corte. So the booking.com is waiting 4 me. ???????????????????? #venice #wheretostay #hotel #italy #venezia #love #julyontheroad2016 #booking #breakfast #breakfastofchampions @ Ca' della Corte
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